Disclosure pursuant to § 5 of the Austrian E-Commerce Act (ECG) and § 25 of the Austrian Media Act (MedienG)

Media Owner::

Mag. Ronald Frankl
Seilerstätte 17, A-1010 Vienna
T: +43 676 60 76 110
E: office@frankl-legal.com

Jurisdiction: Vienna
VAT-number: ATU63905377
R-Code: R-160992

Objects of the Business::

Practice of the profession of an attorney-at-law

Membership and Supervisory Authority::

Vienna Bar Association,
Rotenturmstraße 13,
A-1010 Vienna

Professional Law::

We are a law firm in accordance with Austrian law and are subject to the professional rules of Austrian attorneys, in particular to the Austrian Attorney Code (Rechtsanwaltsordnung; RAO), the Austrian Guidelines for the Practice of the Profession of an Attorney (Richtlinien für die Ausübung des Rechtsanwaltsberufs; RL-BA), the Austrian Diciplinary Code for Attorneys and Associates (Disziplinarstatut für Rechtsanwälte und Rechtsanwaltsanwärter; DSt), the Austrian Act on Attorneys’ Rates (Rechtsanwaltstarifgesetz; RATG), the Austrian General Criteria for Fees (Allgemeine Honorar Kriterien; AHK) – please find more information on the website of the Austrian Bar Association on https://www.oerak.at/

Concept, Design and Implementation:

Moish Raanan
E: moish@insticore.com


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